Me and Mark Connery went out together drawing on Thursday. I thought we were just going to lurk and sketch. I love drawing people doing anything. Mark had a whole other idea and it was really fun. He's a pro at this. We just passed the drawings back and forth and got to know each other chatting away and making marks.
The waitress was really sweet at this University pub we settled in at. She left us alone for long periods of time and was delighted we were doing something interesting. I told her these were plans for a bank heist and we needed some input. The place was practically empty when we arrived about 7:30 pm, but it slowly filled up. And got shrieky noisy, due to an adjacent co-ed. The cell phone reception was bad in this place for some strange reason. The closer you got to the urinals the worse it got. Mark's long distance East Coast romance and he had a long distance call date to connect their long distance hearts. The bad reception ruined it.