I hate being sick. I blame myself for taking such poor care of myself. I took some Sudafed, which I never do and then I got high in a wierd way and got scared I'd suffocate in my sleep because my nostrils are plugged. I took it because my Mom demanded I suck it up and come to the Sukkot dinner at Leon's. I took it and practically passed out at the table.

Paula is teaching me self-pity. How getting sick is the right time to slow down and feel sorry for your self. Not to beat yourself up some more. So, I'm buying in. Poor me! WAhhhh.
That felt good. WAaaaHhhhhhhh!
no one can feel sorrier for you than you. your wife is so wise :)
wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! I love it!
and very insightful knowledge from orangefrute. I'm learning the same.
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