Pulled a proof of my first soft ground etching on Tuesday. I'm going to aquatint some portions next class. I hope I don't ruin it. Paula said my sometimes verbose writing style does not appeal to her tastes. She likes my dense visual textures though.
Hyperbole! I never once used the term "not to my tastes." For more on my perspective on verbose writing styles please visit my rebuttal to your similar comment on my blog!
Now, moving on to my tastes in kidney bean heads...you must admit that while you have stretched your pallet to the use of yet more extreme methodologies, these goofy gaseous ganglions look extremely unpalatable - definitely "not to my tastes."
you two kids... such sweet and intelligent bickerings. i long for this kind of bickering...
I keep coming back to this one. It's so great. I should put it on my desk top at work like I did that other image I grabbed from your blog taht time and watch them all think there's something wrong with me again.
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